At the Academy our mission is to holistically educate children, which occurs throughout their entire day whether in the classroom, at recess or at lunch. It is important to ensure that all aspects of a schools program reflect the mission and vision of the school. Part of the Academy’s Mission is to educate children to be “Globally Conscious.” 

Globally Conscious as defined by our Mission Statement: “highlights an awareness of culture, race, customs, language, and perspective. Students will know that they are a part of a diversely beautiful world designed by God, where perspective taking becomes an inherent mode of interaction.”

During lunch, this value is demonstrated by introducing students to culturally diverse meals. Learning to eat a meal from another culture can start at a very early age and will allow students to have a diverse pallet into adulthood. Including culturally diverse meals isn’t just about giving students options, it is rooted in teaching them about world outside of themselves. Students can truly learn to appreciate other ways of life by learning to eat foods that taste and smell different from what they may normally eat. 

Our students in particular are given the opportunity to travel to El Salvador on mission and even other culturally diverse populations in Tennessee. It is utmost importance that they learn to adapt to other cultures and appreciate foods that are prepared for them by other communities. 

Over the years we have implemented culturally diverse meals in a variety of ways. We introduced bone in chicken one year, which for many young students was new. Students learned that people around the world eat their meals regularly with meat still on the bone. Students one year had a special class featuring fruits around the world and had the chance to eat anything from Lychee to Papaya. On another occasion students had a class where they were learning about Japanese culture and we served a special meal of Onigiri (Japanese Rice Balls). Other years we have introduced Thai Curry, along with Indian and Greek entrees. 

We hope that all of our students can learn this important value of global consciousness in our cafeteria and step into adulthood with an ability to appreciate people from other cultures.


Academic Achievements for Semester 1, 2023


How To Encourage a Student to Love Reading: A Read-a-thon Reflection