
Since 2015 the Academy for GOD has offered meals to all students as part of the USDA’s School Nutrition Program for K-12 schools. Additionally, the Academy is a nationally recognized farm to school program and incorporates fresh produce and meats from local sources.

“My daughter has struggled to eat over the years after all she endured with medical trauma with CHD. Our school lunch program has worked with all of her needs. The continued low pressure, healthy options presented on repeat to her and her classmates is helping her overcome lifelong issues with trying new foods. Recently, she came home beaming, “Mom, I like green beans!!” There are days when I can’t put new items near her plate let alone get her to consider touching or tasting them. Thank you, Academy School Nutrition, for all your efforts towards tasty healthy options for our kids!” - Chelsea, Academy Parent

Nutrition Program Goals & Philosophy

  1. Emphasize the consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables

  2. Use as minimally processed foods as possible

Each school meal is made fresh at our onsite, full-service kitchen to ensure nutritional quality. We view healthy eating as a journey of learning to eat new foods and changing the palate so that students can grow into healthy adults. Students are encouraged to try new foods, recognizing that it can take 15-20 tries before they might embrace a new or unusual food. 

School nutritionist, Breann Chigumira, created a K-12 grade nutrition curriculum in which students learn WHY they are eating the foods that are offered. This has allowed many students to adapt to our meal menu and learn how to eat foods that encourage a healthy lifestyle.

Menu Standards 

Our menu is based on the USDA’s guidelines for school programs as well as our own emphasis on food from our own school garden that is organically grown. Each day, a variety of vegetables daily along with fresh fruits and whole grains, protein, and low-fat milk is served.* We limit sodium, saturated fats as well as sugars, and do not serve any food that contains trans fat.  Lunch consists of up to two selections of vegetables, a protein, a whole grain, low-fat milk and fresh fruit. 

*This year, because of the continued supply chain issues in finding certain foods, especially whole grains, there have been some exceptions given by the USDA recognizing we are at times unable to meet the certain sub groups of vegetables, whole grains or even milk component. We will be utilizing these waivers only when needed this year as we still do encounter issues with the supply chain. 

Wellness Policy 

In accordance with the USDA, the Academy has a wellness policy published for the current school year. Click HERE to see this year's policy. If you, as a parent/guardian or community sponsor would like to be part of the review or implementation of this policy please email

Free and Reduced Meals 

We do provide financial aid to those who are in need of help paying for meals. Click here to download our free and reduced meals application. For more information you can go to the Tennessee State Website or read the FAQ. For any further questions email


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