Our teachers are our greatest asset at the Academy. Each are qualified to work with children and have expertise within their given subjects. We have lead teachers for every level that specialize in the behavioral, social, and spiritual development of our students. Course teachers teach alongside lead teachers, specializing in a certain subject or skill. Together our lead and course teachers provide our students with the support and skills they need to gain competency in a given subject, along with personal maturation.
Mr. Gregg Garner - Founder, 2013-Present
Mr. Alex Castro - Principal,
Ms. Corey Foster - Headmaster, 2014-Present
Mrs. Alison Sherrod - Lead Administrator, 2013-Present
Mr. Derek Bargatze - Elementary Vice Principal, 2013-Present
Mrs. Meg Mathews - Jr High & High Vice Principal, 2015-Present
Mrs. Rebekah Hjälmeby - Vice Principal of Home Education, 2013-Present
Lead Teachers
Mr. Mark Dunning
Generals Lead Teacher
Mr. Michael Davis
Generals Lead Teacher
Ms. Leafa Vagatai
Specifics Lead Teacher
Mr. John Edmondson
High School Lead Teacher
Mr. Ryan McAllister
Course Teacher
Ms. Alison Jobe
Generals Lead Teacher
Ms. Jessica Woody
Generals Lead Teacher
Mr. Craig Duffy
Director of Education
Mr. Steve Ownby
High School Lead Teacher
Mr. Skylar Aaseby
Jr. High Lead Teacher
Mr. Ethan Harris
Course Teacher
Ms. Laura Voight
Focus Lead Teacher
Mrs. Rachel Hartnell
Jr. High Course Teacher
Mrs. Liz Widman
High School Course Teacher
Mrs. Tresa Botzum
Kindergarten Lead Teacher
Mr. Jason Roufs
Jr. High Course Teacher
Resource Teachers
Mrs. Lyssa Loeffler
Early Elementary Reading
Mrs. Janae Castro
Jr. High/High School Math
Mr. Grant Dailey - Bible, CLEP, & H.S. Creative Track
Mrs. Megan Cameron
Visual Arts; Kindergarten Aide
Mrs. Hayley Gowen
Elementary Math
Mrs. Liz Kagay
School Social Worker
Course Teachers
Mr. Brandon Galford
Biblical Hebrew
Mr. Ben Reese
Mr. Jeff Sherrod
SAT Prep
Mr. Nathan Cameron
Technology Administrator
Mr. Ben Young
Physical Education
Mr. Andrew Bartlett
Jr. High/High School Math
Mr. Joel Olson
Graphic Design & Art History
Ms. Anna Alvarez
Elementary Physical Education
Mrs. Amanda Davis
Mr. John Nyago
Mrs. Ninfa Parker
Mrs. Josie Milliron
Visual Arts
Mr. Corey Streeter
Worship Band
Mrs. Deborah Nava
Mrs. Kim Ownby
Performing Arts
Mrs. Grace Aaseby
Worship Band
Mrs. Kristin Streeter
Worship Band
Mrs. Jenn Reichert
Worship Band
Mr. Brett Madron
Pastoral Care
Mr. Rylan Aaseby
Mrs. KK Nadeau
Elementary Course Teacher
Mr. Ryan Roberts
Elementary Teaching Assistant
Staff, Aides, & Interns
Mrs. Breann Chigumira
School Nutritionist
Mrs. Michelle Madron
1:1 Aide
Ms. Brittan Botzum
1:1 Aide