A Prayer to Be Enduring Problem Solvers
On Monday morning this week, my 7th grade Mixed Media Art class began with a student led prayer that has impacted me all week. The words of this student’s prayer included, “Lord, give us the patience to be effective problem solvers. Help us to not get down on ourselves when we have to try something again, because we are students and we are still learning.”
Sit with that. Read it again. Think about a 13-year-old student asking for this type of help from the Lord for herself and her classmates.
Natania, a senior at the Academy, joins us for a portion of each art class for her Teaching Practicum course. This course is designed to give seniors practical skills related to teaching concepts to younger students. She is learning to communicate with students in a way that effectively helps them think through visual art processes and encourages them towards good work. She is pictured above helping a student talk through the process of making a brown paint color for the skin tone of a girl from India. It's been a blessing to have her join us.
These words are profound for a few reasons. First, teens today are faced with all kinds of social media that promotes fast paced pressure for them to have an appearance that they have things figured out. This prayer directly opposes what the culture they are living in demands and instead, sticks closely to God’s hopes for them. Second, our values here at the Academy resonated in this student’s prayer. She not only acknowledged herself and her classmates as students, but took the humble position that they are in need of continued growth because they are learning. Finally, she acknowledged that this would take patience and isn’t something that can be faked (James 1:22).
To make God proud (Law #3 - Exodus 20:7), these students are implementing what it looks like to uphold God’s reputation. They are learning to recognize that their efforts to become effective problem solvers can only come from God’s presence in their life, their knowledge of the word of God, and their ability to walk it out in obedience. Their hard work and faithfulness to the tasks and projects given to them is a sign of their obedience.
After the class collectively said “Amen,” I was able to encourage the students that learning to be effective problem solvers according to God’s word is a lifelong practice. The adults around them engage in problem solving every day and we are prayerful in our considerations along these lines as well. I pray that they can continue to hold this type of reliance on the Lord as they are becoming the people that God needs in the world.
After this wonderful moment, students dove into their art workshop developing class murals. Their first quarter project is to collectively create a mural that expresses a value that they chose from God’s word that has been highlighted during their time at the Academy. One group chose the theme of “Unity” with an emphasis on people from around the world working together. The other group chose the theme “Rise Up” and are working through the resurrection motif that comes with our school's mascot, the Phoenix.
Students are engaging in higher order thinking skills related to creating artwork that communicates a theme or concept based on their knowledge and ability to apply and analyze it. This project has required students to problem solve with measurement (more math than they would have imagined fitting into an art class), color mixing, and painting. Students are also engaging their SEL skills of teamwork and communication to effectively problem solve their project as a team. I’m seeing wonderful fruit during this first quarter of Jr. High!