“We Walk by Faith”: The ‘24-25 Academy Theme
Written by Academy for GOD Director of Education, Mr. Craig Duffy
This year’s theme at the Academy for GOD is “ We Walk by Faith”. Although the wording comes from 2 Corinthians 5:6-7 this concept can be found across the Biblical canon. At the Academy, we use themes to direct and focus the student body as well as the faculty who are responsible for facilitating our educational program. The purpose of this communication is to bring you, the parents, family, and stakeholders, an understanding of this theme and a few ways to support the students off campus.
This concept of ‘walking by faith’ is not in a vacuum. Paul is referencing a preexisting greco-roman value, one that permeated the thriving city of Corinth. The Corinthian motto was “We walk by what we see”. This sits in the wider context of the rise of rational Greek philosophy. What can be seen, observed, and tested, (think early empiricism) is considered safe to ground a perspective of reality upon. Though a powerful form of categorizing and evaluating observable natural phenomena, it is limited to the world of human senses. Paul interjects and proposes a more appropriate motto for the believers in Corinth. We walk according to our faith, not according to our sight.
Academy Founder, Mr. Gregg Garner, teaches on 2 Corinthians 5:7 during the first K-12 assembly of the '24-25 school year.
The tension of sight is significantly addressed at many points in scripture. For this brief article I will reference the first and perhaps most popular instance: The dilemma of Eve and her eyes. The story goes that as God walks toward Adam and Eve, he finds that their eyes have been opened and through an education not of his design (Genesis 3:7). By this we understand that Adam and Eve did not inherently have the sight that God intended, that is, man was made with a dependence on God to learn, to be educated.
We can start to understand why Paul would have an issue with the Corithian motto. Our eyes are not enough to formulate the way in which we should live life and decide what is right and wrong. Our sense of sight has to be informed by the word of God, his way, his walk, his instruction. Simply put, God has to be the one to open our eyes so that we can walk within his intended way.
Faith according to Paul in his letter to the Romans “comes by hearing, hearing the word of God”. Hebrews 11:1 says “Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” Faith is the overriding principle by which the child of God understands and makes decisions within the world they live, and is not based on what can be sensed with our eyes. This is where we partner with God at the Academy.
This year, we aim to direct the focus of our student body on the building of faith. To help them reach conclusions that are based on faith instead of sight. That they can lean into and trust God’s word more than their own senses. That they can trust God more than what they can understand through their own senses and experience. This is a formidable task, it is the work of God. To complete the eyes of humanity. Join us this year as we train the sight of our students into seeing and believing the word of God above all other forms of education and experiences. Ask them open-ended questions about their day and listen for faith in their responses. If you find none, adjust their eyes by opening God’s word together, and help them to walk by faith.
For more biblical teaching on this year’s theme, watch our parent orientation where Academy Founder, Gregg D. Garner, expounds on the idea and how it will impact this school year.