Winter Bible Retreat 2025 in Review
The Academy for GOD recently hosted our annual Winter Bible Retreat for junior high and high school students at Horton Haven Camp. Themed “Here to Serve,” the retreat centered around Mark 10:45, where Jesus declares, “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many.”
Mr. Garner led the teaching sessions, diving deep into Jesus’ disruptive commandment on greatness and authority. He challenged students to reconsider their views of success and leadership, emphasizing that true greatness in God's Kingdom is marked by service and sacrifice. "
The Academy for GOD recently hosted our annual Winter Bible Retreat for junior high and high school students at Horton Haven Camp. Themed “Here to Serve,” the retreat centered around Mark 10:45, where Jesus declares, “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many.”
Mr. Garner led the teaching sessions, diving deep into Jesus’ disruptive commandment on greatness and authority. He challenged students to reconsider their views of success and leadership, emphasizing that true greatness in God's Kingdom is marked by service and sacrifice. "Jesus Himself came here to serve," Mr. Garner explained, urging students to recognize that God is preparing them for significant roles—but not in the way the world defines greatness. Instead, their “power” equates to obligation: a calling to obedience, selflessness, and service to the poor and marginalized.
Throughout the weekend, students engaged in worship, Bible study, shared meals, and plenty of fun activities. These experiences not only deepened their faith but also strengthened their bonds with each other. The retreat created a safe space for students to reflect, grow, and encounter God in personal and new ways.
We believe that the impact of this retreat extends far beyond the weekend itself. The lessons learned, relationships built, and spiritual growth experienced will continue to influence these young hearts and minds for months and years to come. We are incredibly grateful to the teachers and parent chaperones who dedicated their time and energy to invest in the lives of our students.
Student Testimonies:
“I can get so nervous in letting God take control, but I have new faith and new confidence now and I plan to take it into the semester.” - 10th Grade Student
“I struggled last year with having faith in God. But on this trip, I felt seen and really heard on this Bible Retreat. God really moved during this time because a senior prayed for me, and I am so thankful for this time.” - 8th Grade Student
“Over the last couple of years, I have had a lot of insecurities and fears. It has been tearing me down lately. As I went to last night’s worship, those insecurities and fears just went away and I felt a sense of peace come over me. God really healed me from my fears and insecurities.” - 7th Grade Student
“A lot has happened over this retreat. Last night’s worship was AMAZING as I got prayed for and I was feeling it! I was so shocked how that was exactly what I needed to hear.” - 12th Grader
“I just want to testify because being a senior we get more time to reflect. And in reflection, I am so thankful for what we have been given and the growth that has happened in our class specifically.” - 12th Grader
“I wanted to do something great, but I didn’t know how to take the steps to get there. In going to the Bible Retreat I expected God to give me more direction, and I confidently say that was given to me during the Bible Retreat. I know where I am going now and the next step I am going to take. I can walk by faith now and take that next step to become more like Christ.” - 10th Grader
We encourage parents to continue debriefing with their children about the retreat. These conversations can help solidify the lessons learned and provide ongoing support as students apply what they experienced in their daily lives. Here are some reflection questions you might ask your child:
What did you feel like the Lord spoke to you this past weekend through the worship and the Word?
What was an impactful moment for you from the retreat?
If God is going to cultivate your greatness through service, how do you plan to become “great” in His Kingdom this year?
Who do you hope to serve in response to the teachings at the Bible Retreat?
Thank you for trusting us with your children and for supporting their spiritual growth. With over 87 participants this year, it’s clear that God is moving in powerful ways within our community. We look forward to seeing how He continues to work in the lives of these young leaders!
A Transformative Spring Break on Mission in Morristown, TN
The Academy’s spring mission trip to Morristown was more than just a week of service; it was a transformative time of spiritual growth. Through intentional acts of kindness and service, students discovered the true meaning of discipleship and the love of God. As they carry the lessons and memories of their trip forward, they are empowered to live out their faith boldly and compassionately, making a tangible difference in the world around them and embodying the spirit of love and service that defines the kingdom of God.
Wow, what an incredible way to kick off Spring Break! Last week a team of about 50 Academy high schoolers and leaders set off from our campus in Nashville, to spend four days serving in Morristown TN. There, we partnered with our sister church, La Iglesia Comunidad de Dios, to minister to communities of need in that city.
Going into the trip, Headmaster Garner exhorted the high schoolers to make each moment count. Referencing Psalms 90:12, he encouraged students to be aware of each task at hand, from worship to fellowship to service, and engage it fully. “Four days can seem short, but if you are present and intentional in every moment, the Lord can multiply the impact of those days.”
The trip began with intentional conversations during the car ride. Students were given prompts to engage in discussions about their spiritual giftings. Taking time to identify each other’s strengths and speak words of encouragement, they also shared personal hopes with each other. These conversations laid the foundation for a sense of unity and purpose within the group as they began the mission trip.
A stop at Buc-ees Travel Center provided a practical lesson in selflessness and working with limited means. Given a small budget, students were tasked with organizing themselves into groups, and selecting snacks to share that fit within their limited means. They had to consider dietary needs and preferences within their group, along with nutritional value of the snacks they chose, to best nourish them for the afternoon ahead. This exercise served to reinforce collaboration and stewardship, but also as a contrast to the very common mindset of “splurge on snacks while we travel.”
Upon arriving in Morristown, students wasted no time immersing themselves in meaningful service projects on our first day! From repairing homes and landscaping to leading worship sessions and organizing Vacation Bible School programs, they tackled each task with energy, with hearts prepared for giving. That evening, Pastor Efrain (our host and lead pastor of the Community Church for GOD) shared a precious testimony of how on the other side of years of faithful service, he now gets to see his children follow in similar pursuit of our Lord. With tears in his eyes he communicated how truly grateful to see his college-aged daughters participate in ministry. This vulnerability softened the team’s eyes to see and understand the importance of not only service, but of hearing stories of God's faithfulness through obedience.
One of the most memorable moments of the trip occurred when our Academy students were welcomed into host homes within the Hispanic church community. They got to experience firsthand the power of generosity through the hospitality of their hosts. Some hosts gave up their master bedroom to accommodate the students. Others stayed up late sharing stories of ministry. Still others got up early to prepare hand-made tortillas for a delicious breakfast. These encounters left a lasting impression, prompting reflections on the biblical principle of hospitality and the obligation to care for one another as members of God's family.
Jesus said that he did not come to be served, but to serve. Through times of service, our students' hearts were impacted and softened to the move of God. In each project they encountered individuals whose stories and struggles deeply touched their hearts. From adults with disabilities to children living in poverty, each interaction served as a reminder of the inherent dignity and value of every individual made in God’s image. The teens later shared how these encounters sparked a desire to advocate for the marginalized, and to be instruments of God's love and compassion in a world often marked by injustice and inequality. Vice Principal, Ms. Mathews, testified, “I served with the upperclassmen at Hope and Thrive Academy, and we were immediately met with the Lord’s spirit as we entered the room with 20 adults with disabilities ready to sing and praise the Lord. The students led worship. Watching these adults use sign language while singing, “Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so,” brought tears to my eyes. God was truly in our midst and the students were impacted in ways I did not anticipate. I was impacted in ways I did not anticipate!”
As the days unfolded, students found themselves confronted with the realities of poverty, disability, and systemic injustice. Yet, amidst the challenges, they also discovered moments of joy, resilience, and hope. Whether leading worship for adults with disabilities or hosting Vacation Bible School for children living in poverty, students embraced each opportunity to serve with humility and compassion, embodying the spirit of Christ in their actions and attitudes. We were so proud to see our students giving of themselves fully! They stepped out of personal comfort zones to engage with people, practice their Spanish, and even serve in the midst of rainy weather. On Friday afternoon our students hosted a Vacation Bible School at a low-income housing complex in Morristown. When they pulled into the run-down area, driving through huge potholes, they were greeted by 35 laughing children waiting for them in the field, already anticipating their program. The students made the Lord proud through their planning and selfless giving, making children smile, play and feel seen by our Lord.
In our evening times of worship and Bible teaching, Headmaster Garner spoke on our theme, “Rek’nize” from Colossians 3:1-3, sharing how Jesus raises us up into a strong identity by identifying with him. In a world with so much confusion and insecurity about identity, Jesus invites us near, to learn about who we are from the One who made us. The prayers of the righteous are effective because at the end of only the second night, students were already giving testimonies of how the Lord was giving them sight for their future and what it all holds. The culmination of the trip was marked by moments of spiritual growth and reflection. Engaging in worship and fellowship with the local church community, students experienced a renewed sense of purpose and calling. They heard testimonies of personal transformation and reconciliation, which underscored the power of faith and community. It was inspiring to all who were present, to embrace their identities as children of God and agents of His grace and mercy in the world.
We concluded our Morristown mission trip by cooking and eating a wonderful breakfast alongside the La Iglesia church members. This was a sweet experience to witness as our students got immersed cross culturally both in language and fellowship. Students then were given time to journal and go on a prayer walk on the property before we had our final morning session. As the students returned from their walk, we began our testimonies from our time together, and more and more strongholds were breaking. God is truly helping these students move their sight from an earthly perspective to a heavenly one. The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few, and our students are able to see those in need, and are ready to answer the call within the spiritual giftings that God has given them.
In retrospect, the mission trip to Morristown was more than just a week of service; it was a transformative time of spiritual growth. Through intentional acts of kindness and service, students discovered the true meaning of discipleship and the love of God. As they carry the lessons and memories of their trip forward, they are empowered to live out their faith boldly and compassionately, making a tangible difference in the world around them and embodying the spirit of love and service that defines the kingdom of God.
"Do You See this Woman?"
Academy junior, Esther Bargatze, writes a reflection poem on a hero of faith she studied in her historical biographies course in the fall.
By Esther Bargatze, Junior
An original artwork created by Esther to reflect her poem.
For my Historical Biographies class, taught by Ms. Mathews, last semester we all read a book about a different hero of faith. At the beginning of this semester we created a verbal expression based on what we learned from our books. I chose Cathrine Hamlin and read her autobiography. She was an obstetrician from Australia who went to Ethiopia to work at a hospital for three years, she ended up spending the rest of her life there and founded the first fistula hospital in Ethiopia. Her ministry became healing women who suffered from fistula’s which was an injury that occurred during childbirth. In first world countries fistulas were (and still are) very rare and quickly treatable, but in Ethiopia they were a tragic commonality. Cathrine Hamlin gave her life to treating women in Ethiopia who had been suffering from a fistula, these women were often neglected and ostracized because they were seen as unclean.
The piece I wrote is about the experience of these fistula patients in Ethiopia and their journey, including being treated. I wanted my piece to challenge people to consider if they let cultural norms and what they feel is normal effect how they perceive a person. I also created an art piece to go along with what I wrote.
She labors for days
Lacking medical aid results in mysterious complications.
She’s left ashamed of an unknown ailment, incurable.
If she's not ostracized by her community she isolates because of humiliation.
Her vulnerability leaves her susceptible to being trampled
but what was forced upon her left calluses.
What was a giver of life gave birth to death.
She is either forced to embrace motherhood alone
or forced to embrace the loss of a child alone.
Forced to embrace the medical repercussions of childbirth, alone.
Forced to navigate the disgust, disgrace and dishonor of being an unclean woman who is facing alone
the result of a reality that takes advantage of her vulnerability then declares her impure, repulsive,
and untouchable.
“Untreatable,” at the risk of having to face the personal discomfort of seeing someone so broken
so hurt in a part of the body that makes you uncomfortable to even think about.
So she is seen but disregarded.
It wasn’t until a hospital by the river that she heard, “daughter, your faith has made you well.”
There she was told, “child, arise.”
“Do not weep,” she was comforted,
healed from her wounds and freed from her societal “sins”.
The love of those who committed themselves to healing ushered in a calm voice that spoke
peacefully, “woman, you are freed from your disability.”
She had traveled weeks to receive a procedure that took fifteen minutes.
Those fifteen minutes cured her of a life lived neglected.
Before she had been downcast and miserable; now she was reborn as a beautiful, smiling woman,
with a look of joy in her eyes.
Do you see this woman?
Or do you only smell filth?
Do you only see her injuries?
Does it make you uncomfortable to see another human being so completely drenched in discomfort?
Or do you have the eyes to see this woman?
Can you strip away every cultural and personal concept for what you believe is normal…
Dr. Cathrine Hamlin with one of her cured fistula patients in Ethiopia.
or will you live blinded by a veil you’ve unknowingly accepted and accustomed yourself to?
Look up and let the veil fall off your face
your eyes will be redirected downwards to unexpected places,
to unexpected people.
But you will truly see them.
And you will see them as precious.
You will see them as God does.
Academic Achievements for Semester 1, 2023
This month, the Academy for GOD celebrated students with academic honors by awarding our Principal's Award from Principal Alex Castro and our Headmaster's Award from Headmaster Gregg Garner. Over 50 jr high and high students were acknowledged at the Academy for GOD.
It's time to celebrate the incredible academic achievements of our Junior High and High School students at the Academy for GOD for the first semester of the 2023-2024 school year! These students have demonstrated hard work and dedication in pursuit of academic excellence.
In Junior High, the following students achieved Academic Honors, which is awarded to students who earned all As and Bs during the Fall 2023 semester.
7th Grade
Yonah Arroyo
Olivia Brooks
Brenton Buck
Abram Davis
Solomon Horst
Charlee Kagay
Jude Montgomery
Phillip Motorny
Landon Perryman
Eve Willis
8th Grade
Caden Aaseby
Daniel Cameron
Ruby Edmondson
Eliana Galford
Noah Galford
Eden Loeffler
Ajay Maute
Nanozi Nyago
Hudsyn Roberts
Also, in Junior High, the following students achieved Academic High Honors, which is awarded to Jr. High students who earned all As during the Fall 2023 semester.
7th Grade
Judah Aaseby
Isaac Muñoz
Caleb Muñoz
Abela Roufs
8th Grade
Tobin Nadeau
Stephen Ownby
In high school, the Principal’s Award was given to the following students students who achieved a Fall 2023 High School GPA of 3.5-3.86.
9th Grade
Zuri Aaseby
Caleb Lasater
Joshua Lasater
10th Grade
Malachi Aaseby
11th Grade
Ethan Benoit
Blessing Davis
Tyler Worlow
12th Grade
Tasha Andrews
Kiah Roufs
Furthermore, the Headmaster’s Award is given to the following high school students who achieved a Fall 2023 High School GPA of 3.87-4.0.
9th Grade
Evie Arroyo
Adia Bargatze
Esperanza Davis
Owen Kagay
Amani Kurtz
Ethan Olson
Shae Ownby
Sailor Reichert
Sarieli Reyes Sauls
Jaelyn Roufs
Jonah Willis
10th Grade
Camden Cole
Sophia Galford
Luke Loeffler
Joselyn Muñoz
11th Grade
Ezrah Aaseby
Esther Bargatze
Mckenzie Castlen
Eved Roufs
12th Grade
Sawyer Cole
Jackson Kurtz
Luci Muñoz
Zeke Nadeau
Moriah Olson
Congratulations to all the students at the Academy for GOD for their outstanding accomplishments during the first semester of the 2023-2024 school year. Your hard work and dedication inspire us all!
2023 Bible Retreat: In Review
Academy high school teacher, Mr. Edmondson, reflects on the annual spring bible retreat for jr high and high school students. Read more about their impactful experience!
Academy Headmaster, Gregg Garner, and Jr High and High Vice Principal, Ms. Mathews propose a question for students to answer in light of the weekend’s bible study: what is it about Jesus that you want the world to know through you?
This spring, Jr. High and High School students packed up and headed to Deer Run Retreat center, for two days of Bible study, worship and fellowship.
This is the second year the Academy has held a Bible retreat. These times serve as an opportunity for students to step back from their daily lives and responsibilities. They take focused time in God’s Word, developing the spiritual and social aspects of their holistic education.
This year’s theme was ‘World Renown’, taken from John 13:34-35. “A new command I give you: love one another just as I have loved you. This is how you are to love one another. By doing this, the world will know you learn from me but only if you have love for one another.” In considering the question of how to love one another well, students were pointed to the whole of Jesus’ life and teachings. If you are going to love as Jesus did, you will need to study and understand his life. Such a weekend retreat is not an ‘end’ but just the beginning of a deeper dive into lifelong biblical education.
Headmaster Gregg Garner was the main speaker, joined by a power team of other faculty and administrators who spoke on panels, led worship and facilitated small group discussions! Saturday night was an especially powerful time of worship. Many students and faculty testified to the presence of God moving so strongly that night.
“I have always had this sort of wall inside of me. It specifically has put a cap on my worship and relationship with God,” says 10th grader Ethan Benoit.
“During the worship time on Saturday night, I was trying my hardest to get past this gate, but I couldn’t. There was a limit to my worship. I prayed and I cried out but I could get no further. Then I saw Leif on the ground praying with his family and a few others. I felt compelled to go pray for him, so I did. I went to him and knelt beside him, and as soon as I touched him to pray over him, that wall, that very thing that had been blocking an emotional side of me that I have never seen, disappeared.
I had never felt anything like it. It was this new sense of freedom and love that washed over me. The moment my hand touched Leif’s shoulder I broke into tears of joy.”
Vice Principal Meg Mathews, who organized the retreat, also testified to the willingness and initiative of the students to engage the Lord in times of worship and Bible study:
A retreat is never absent of good times of fellowship with one another promoting unity, teamwork, and lasting friendships.
“Our Jr. High and High students do not wait to be entertained or facilitated; they are proactive in their faith and take the opportunity to engage God’s Word. I am so proud of our students as they have persevered so much through adversity and trials and yet they are still standing firm in their decision to follow Jesus and emulate him to the world.”
Students were also blessed to have parent chaperones join them in ensuring a smooth time. Academy parents had been helpful in volunteering for the two Parents Night Out events which gave students the chance to fundraise for retreat costs. Thank you, parents!
In between worship and times in scripture, the students played soccer, enjoyed the wildly popular zip line and navigated a climbing wall and high ropes course!
Senior Leif Nadeau shared after the retreat,
“Before I went on this Bible retreat, I had a conversation with my mentor, Mr. Aaseby, who challenged me to approach this weekend with an open mind and fully participate in all the activities. Let me tell you, everything I did during this retreat was way out of my comfort zone. From sitting at a table that was already crowded, to talking with people I don't usually interact with, riding on a zipline, playing by the real rules in sports, raising my hands in worship, and giving a testimony — it was all new territory for me.
What I discovered by pushing myself out of my comfort zone was truly eye-opening. Through this openness, I was able to fully embrace the spirit of God during worship in a way I had never experienced before.”
Times of worship and bible study characterized the weekend as students were challenged to consider what it meant to make Jesus known in the world.
The weekend was a power-packed, rich time of encountering the Lord, growing in relationships with one-another, and having a ton of fun! Vice Principal Mathews reflects with conviction,
“I have no doubt these students will be World Renown through the ways in which they care and love one another and those in need one day as they continue to become these young men and women of God.”