Training in Godliness
Written by Mrs. Mathews, 7-12th Vice Principal
Headmaster Garner spends afternoon training sessions with the students. Mr. Garner has facilitated over 250 national and international mission trips, and he offers valuable lessons for our students in their preparations.
“Train yourself in godliness; for, while physical training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, holding promise for the present life and the life to come.” - 1 Timothy 4:7-8
Spirituality doesn't automatically happen for those who are in pursuit of our Lord. Spirituality has to be developed over time and with great intentionality. As parents, we know this to be true as spirituality is not something that we practice just for ourselves but we try to emulate for our children.
There have been so many moments this semester thus far where I have seen our students demonstrate what they have been taught both at school and at home. The SLAM Winter Retreat started our semester off right where our students left hungry to know God’s Word. Students returned making commitments of reading God’s Word every day, spoke about doing their devotionals earlier and longer, and expressed a desire to hold one another accountable.
We have had moments where our Jr High and High students used their recess time to worship God and pray, not just because they were encouraged by a teacher to do so, but because they felt prompted by the Holy Spirit. Our Jr High and High chapel experiences have been filled with hearts ready to worship and testimony to God’s answered prayers.
Not only are our halls being filled with impromptu worship sets and prayerful voices, but our students are now preparing to take their spiritual disciplines abroad.
Vice Principal, Mr. Muñoz, leads the El Salvador mission team in Spanish worship songs. Learning Spanish has been one of the major aspects of training for this team as they learn to communicate cross-culturally.
Watching our 8th-12th grade students prepare for their El Salvador mission trip is such a joy! As they practice their Spanish speaking skills, skits, and songs, I see a young generation being trained in godliness, wanting to use their spirituality not just for themselves but to serve those in need.
Our young people are more than ready to use their training in “godliness to be of value in every way” for all those they serve both here and abroad. Please continue to be in prayer for them as they prepare these final weeks for their mission trip to El Salvador!