Keeping Our Way Pure
Written by Craig Duffy
The following is a glimpse into a conversation that I appreciated and was grateful to have with my students this week. I'm so proud of what the Lord is doing in their hearts!
"What is a theologian, students?"
Blank stares, shoulder shrugs.
"Okay, look it up."
Student raises hand, “someone who specializes in theology."
"Good. What is theology?"
“Okay, look it up.”
Student raises hand, “the study of God and his relation to the world.”
"Fantastic. Do you think you all specialize in theology?"
"Look up the definition of specialize."
“To focus on or give increased effort in a particular field of study.”
"Good. Do you think you all focus on and give increased effort to the study of God’s word and his relationship with the world?"
Student raises hand, “yes we do!”
"Okay, prove it. How much time do you actually spend in God’s word on a weekly basis through classes, homework, chapel, beginnings, wrap-up, church during the week, and youth groups you might have. Calculate it up, please."
(Class average comes out to 9hrs a week).
"Do you think this amount of time in the word is normal or abnormal?"
At the Academy, the Bible is the foundational text for the entire curriculum. Students are learning to apply scripture to every part of their lives!
Students shrug shoulders.
"According to a Barna study, 7 out of 10 Christian teens own a bible. Of those 7 teens, 5 are in it for about 15 minutes, about 4 times a year. 2 of them are in the word 1 time a week for 15 minutes. (1) Meaning that your above average Christian teen is floating around 3% the textual exposure rate that your average student is in our classroom."
They gasp and cover their mouths.
"Again, let me ask you, do you think you specialize in theology?"
Yes, they shake their heads.
"Do you think, then, that you are young theologians?"
They shake their heads again, up and down.
"Do you think you're normal?"
This time they move their heads back and forth.
"Good", I say, "lets move on."
“How Can A Young Man Keep His Way Pure? By Keeping It According To Your Word.”
- Psalm 119:9
(1) Barna: Only 3 Percent of Teens Read Bible Daily.”,